Meeting Regularly

  • Gospel Community

    Right now we have a few Gospel Community Groups meeting regularly on Sundays and Mondays. We would love for you to join a group. If you are new to Grace, this is a great way to get connected.

    ⎆ Learn More

  • First Things

    Join us on the FIRST Wednesday night of every month as we enjoy a meal, worship, and pray together starting at 6:30pm. This is a gathering for everyone as we "seek FIRST His Kingdom." - Matthew 6:33

    ⎆ RSVP

  • Women of Grace

    Ladies, we encourage you to come and join us for our weekly prayer meeting as we pray together for our church and each other every Wednesday evening at 6:30pm in Room 103. Led by Cathy Weaver.

    ⎆ Join our Prayer Team

  • Men's Bible Study

    Men, please join us for our weekly bible study and fellowship at 6:30am in Room 101. Start your morning by studying God’s word and sharpening each other. This group is led by several men at Grace.

    ⎆ Find out more

Want to Volunteer

If you are looking for a way to serve, look no further. We have tons of areas where everyone, from all walks of life, can serve.

Here are just a few of our volunteer opportunities.  You may have a desire to serve in a ministry not listed here. 

Mission Team / Service Projects

Welcome Team on Sundays (Greeters / Ushers)

Hospitality and Impressions Team

Nursery / Children / Students

Worship / Tech / Creative Arts

Men's Ministry / Women's Ministry

If you have any questions about any of these opportunites, please let us know.

Please contact us and let us know how you would like to serve.